Website Development Services

Elevate Your Online Presence with a Professional Website from a trusted and local developer in Floyd County Virginia!

The Process!

I have built websites on many different platforms and I’m happy to work on a platform of your choosing if you already have one. For new websites that you have not yet started we will be working exclusively on Squarespace and this is my top recommendation for any type of website you want to build!

  • We will start off with a quick discovery call to go over exactly what your business needs in terms of how extensive the site will be, what content you have, and more. Once I have all of that info I’ll provide you with pricing and payment options. If everything discussed works for you then we will get started!

  • Once you have reviewed & signed your service agreement we will begin getting together everything that we need for the site such as photos you want on it, any copy you would like, and we also ask that you send us other websites you like that we can use as inspiration. You will also receive my “Getting Started” email that will include a link to a google drive folder for you to upload everything. Then we take it from here!

  • This is where I will put together a rough draft of the website using the content you have provided. At the end of this step you will be sent a rough draft of the website to review and then respond back with revisions & changes that you would like for me to make.

  • Once we get your revisions we will complete those and have you go over everything one more time to ensure you are happy with the site. Once you give the approval we will connect your domain and launch the website for you!

  • Any changes required after the website launch is complete would have an additional fee which we will calculate based on the request. You can also book an ongoing Search Engine Optimization Package which also includes basic maintenance and small changes to the site when needed!

Website Development FAQs

  • The cost for building a website can vary depending on your design preferences, what functionality the website will need, and how many pages it will be. My minimum fee for building just a one page site ( or landing page) is $500 and then the cost would increase from there depending on the other factors I mentioned.

  • This is something I really like to go over upfront and yes there are additional fees. These are not fees paid to me but you will need to purchase a domain and subscribe to a hosting plan. Again, my recommendation for doing both of these is going through Squarespace, and the fees are usually $20 a year for your domain and then around $25-$35 a month for hosting depending on what type of plan is needed.

  • This is another question that can vary depending on the type of customization, coding, and design that is required. However, most of my sites are done within 30 days and if you are on a tight deadline I can usually make it work!

  • Once your website is set up and live, Google and other search engines, will continuously crawl the site and decide where to rank it for specific search terms. I also recommend setting up a google business profile and adding in the website link to that. In order to rank higher on google you will need to decide what keywords you want to target and optimize your content accordingly. This is also something we can help you with as a part of a Search Engine Optimization package if you choose to further invest in your site!

  • Of course! Websites built on Squarespace and similar platforms are completely yours and you will have full access, we just help with account set up but it’s all yours. We offer ongoing support with changes and optimization but we also highly recommend Squarepace because of how user friendly it is!

  • This can vary depending on the type of website you need but for service based businesses we will need as many photos of your work as you can provide so that I can have plenty to use through the design. For e-commerce sites I will need a Google/Excel spreadsheet that gives me the name, pricing, and other information about each product. Additional information may be required but you will be advised of everything needed in Step 2!

Website Portfolio

Ready To Get Started?

Ready to transform your online presence with a professional, high-quality website? Contact me today to schedule a consultation and learn how my Website Development Services can help your business thrive in the digital world.